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360 Photography

Our 360゚ photography sets out to represent a space or facility in its best light with WoW factor or careful setups which make consumers feel like being there. In the same way as professional hotel still photography is done, an eyeNAV360 shoot is all in the preparation and timing.

There's no Fuss & No extra lighting, we carefully plan the shots with our clients and make sure they feature their brand standard setups. We use natural ambient light and avoid harsh daytime sun, executing most of our shoots during at early mornings and early evenings.

Care is taken to ensure our scheduled photo shoots bring minimal challenges to your operations and no effect on guest experience.

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Building Custom Presentation

Our custom branded 360° Interactive Tours are the packaging we provide with our Panoramic Photography. We will create a bespoke virtual tour with an option of different user interfaces, allowing viewers to explore your property in an intuitive way.

eyeNAV 360° Interactive Tours 360 are built to highlight all the features of your property, while enabling a visual story to the consumer. We implement hotspots and navigation menus that give your potential customers easy access to see what makes it unique.

With our Interactive 360° Tours, you can experience the highest level of engagement & visibility possible.

Drone Footage

When capturing 360 degree views of locations and to showcase property layout from above, our drones become our tripod in the sky, perfectly steady hovering at an optimal position above.

We are passionate about our drone panorama capture and utilise this for showing layouts of resorts and venues from low altitudes which provides great detail. In depth post-production and re-touching is part of this skill set which ensures these interactive aerial scenes which often open our 360 presentations, look neat and tidy.

We consider ourselves lucky to adopt safe and reliable drones today because our Aerial 360° Photography days started with Giant Kites and Helium Balloons lifting heavy cameras in 2005.

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Hotel Brand Photography

Refined Hotel Brand Photography & Photos for Sales Collateral are available by our experienced travel photographers as an additional service for your Sales & Marketing needs.

360 Capture - Due to the high quality of our 360゚ panorama construction we are also able to export still photos from our 360s. In many cases these images are adequate for the client's needs.

Video Clipettes

Did you know eyeNAV 360゚ photos can also be turned into super smooth HD video clips? We call these '360 clipettes' which usually show just the sweet spot of the 360° view.

The combination of drone clips and 360 clipettes makes valuable extra content for our clients to use on YouTube, and all social media channels and can be edited into online ads for TikTik and Facebook.

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Panos & Planets

The art of 360° Photo production is based on capturing the images with a fisheye lens.
After stitching an equirectangular, spherical Panorama it can then be corrected and viewed as a rectilinear view on your screen. This little side hustle brings back the distortion with Stereophonic and hyperbolics....

Perhaps its easier just to call this our photo art section ...

eyeNAV 360° Multimedia

Please contact us directly with any questions or Request a Quote HERE




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  • +61 448 375 782


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  • WhatsApp: +66 62 605 1933
  • LINE ID: eyenav360
All rights reserved | eyeNAV 360 MULTIMEDIA | 2024